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Address | Institut für Informatik VI Technische Universität München Boltzmannstraße 3 85748 Garching bei München Germany |
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Curriculum Vitæ
I received my Bachelor degree in Mechanical Design Manufacturing and Automation from Harbin Institute of Technology, China in 2013, and my M.Eng degree in Mechanical Engineering (State Key Laboratory of Robotics System) at the same university in 2015. Then in October 2015, I joined the Robotics and Embedded System under the supervision of Professor Knoll. My research investigates the snake-like robot which is controlled to achieve autonomous locomotion and self-adaptive behavior by artificial neural networks and its related applications. If you are self-motivated for a snake-like robot related thesis topic, please write me an email indicating your background and skills.Thesis Topics:
- Proposal:
- Bachelor, Master Thesis: Topic 1: Autonomous Locomotion Control for Snake Robot Based on Bio-inspired Vision Sensor and Spiking Neural Network:
- Bachelor, Master Thesis: Topic 2: Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Locomotion of Snake-like Robot:
- Bachelor, Master Thesis: Topic 3: State Estimation for Snake-like Robot based on Extented Kalman Filter:
- Bachelor, Master Thesis: Topic 4: Visual Image Guided Movement Control of Snake-like Robot:
- Lab Course Development and Control of a Bio-snake Robot (WS15/16)
- Lab Course Development and Control of a Bio-snake Robot (WS16/17)
[1] | Zhenshan Bing, Claus Meschede, Kai Huang, Guang Chen, Florian Röhrbein, Mahmoud Akl, and Alois Knoll. End to end learning of spiking neural network based on r-stdp for a lane keeping vehicle, to be appear. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 2018. [ .bib ] |
[2] | Zhuangyi Jiang, Zhenshan Bing, Kai Huang, Guang Chen, Long Cheng, and Alois Knoll. Event-based target tracking control for a snake robot using a dynamic vision sensor. In International Conference On Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), November 2017. [ .bib ] |
[3] | Zhenshan Bing, Long Cheng, Kai Huang, Zhuangyi Jiang, Guang Chen, Florian Röhrbein, and Alois Knoll. Towards autonomous locomotion: Slithering gait design of a snake-like robot for target observation and tracking. In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), September 2017. [ .bib ] |
[4] | Gereon Hinz, Guang Chen, Muhammad Aafaque, Florian Rohrbein, Jorg Conradt, Zhenshan Bing, Zhongnan Qu, Walter Stechele, and Alois Knoll. Online multi-object tracking-by-clustering for intelligent transportation system with neuromorphic vision sensor. In the 40th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence(KI 2017), September 2017. [ .bib ] |
[5] | Guang Chen, Zhenshan Bing, Florian Rohrbein, Jorg Conradt, Kai Huang, Long Cheng, Zhuangyi Jiang, and Alois Knoll. Towards brain-inspired learning with the neuromorphic snake-like robot and the neurorobotic platform. In IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, June 2017. accepted. [ .bib ] |
[6] | Zhenshan Bing, Long Cheng, Kai Huang, Mingchuan Zhou, and Alois Knoll. Cpg-based control of smooth transition for body shape and locomotion speed of a snake-like robot. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 4146-4153, May 2017. [ DOI | .bib | .pdf ] |
[7] | Zhenshan Bing, Long Cheng, Guang Chen, Florian Röhrbein, Kai Huang, and Alois Knoll. Towards autonomous locomotion: Cpg-based control of smooth 3d slithering gait transition of a snake-like robot. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 12(3):035001, 2017. [ DOI | .bib ] |
[8] | Zhenshan Bing, Long Cheng, Anyang Zhong, Feihu Zhang, Kai Huang, and Alois Knoll. Slope angle estimation based on multi-sensor fusion for a snake-like robot. In 2017 20th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION) (FUSION 2017), Xi'an, P.R. China, to appear, July 2017. [ .bib ] |
[9] | Long Cheng, Zhenshan Bing, Alois Knoll, and Kai Huang. Biologically inspired spiking neural network for autonomous locomotion control of snake-like robots. In International Journal of Biosensors & Bioelectronics. MedCrave, 2017. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[10] | Zhenshan Bing, Long Cheng, Kai Huang, Mingchuan Zhou, and Alois Knoll. A cpg-based control architecture for 3d locomotion of a snake-like robot. Technical Report TUM-I1638, Technische Universität München, 2016. [ .bib ] |