Technische Universität München Robotics and Embedded Systems

Juan Carlos Ramirez de la Cruz, M.Sc.


Research Assistant

Room MI 02.07.037
Phone +
Fax +
Address Institut für Informatik VI
Technische Universität München
Parking 13, 2. Stock
85748 Garching-Hochbrück bei München

Curriculum Vitæ

Research interests

Current projects


[1] A. Schaub, J.C. Ramirez, and Darius Burschka. Autonomous Parking Using a Highly Maneuverable Robotic Vehicle. In The 19th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), 2014. [ .bib | .pdf ]
[2] Juan Carlos Ramirez and Darius Burschka. Dynamic 3D Mapping - Visual Estimation of Independent Motions for 3D Structures in Dynamic Environments. In VISAPP, 2013. [ .bib | .pdf ]
[3] E.C. Dean-León, Heberth Sira-Ramirez, and Vicente Parra-Vega. Algebraic on-line identifier for visual servoing of robot manipulators. InternationalSymposium on Robotics and Automation (ISRA), 2002. [ .bib | .pdf ]