Technische Universität München Robotics and Embedded Systems

Probabilistic Models of the Brain

Veranstalter Dipl.-Inf. Christian Osendorfer (ECTS: 4.0, SWS: 2)
Modul IN8901
Typ Hauptseminar
Semester SS 2007
ECTS 4.0


The seminar is over!

This seminar is concerned with the current probabilistic approaches to modeling and understanding brain function. In particular, we want to study the types of represenations the brain uses for the raw sensory information. Due to the neurophysiological anatomie of the brain, we mainly will focus on vision, though most of the models and techniques are applicable to other modalities as well. The seminar is based on the essays from the book Probabilistic models of the Brain. Due to time constraints, we will focus only on the first part of the book, namely computational models.



The presenter will give his talk not only to those assigning ECTS credits (or the Schein) but to the whole group. Every member of the audience should be prepared, and must have (tried to) read the respective paper at least once or twice. We expect lots of questions to be asked during or after the talks. Hopefully this will make the seminar vivid and interesting and not a dull must-sit-through event. For the same reason, the seminar will be held in (2-3) blocks around the beginning of July. (in accordance with participants' schedules).


Each student presents one (main) paper. The presentation should be about 30 - 40 minutes. The presentation language is either German or English. You might want to check out these suggestions for your presentation. Talk to your advisor at least 2 weeks before your scheduled talk and show him your presentation.


You also must write a summary of your talk. It should be about 10 pages. Hand it in until the end of the semester (but better finish your summary before you give your talk, because trying to write things down in your own words will help you realize which parts of the paper(s) are important).


In order to get the credits (ECTS/Schein), you must give a presentation, write a summary and attend every talk (occasional exceptions to the last requirement can be made on an individual basis).