Technische Universität München Robotics and Embedded Systems

The AI Lectures from Tokyo: An experiment in global teaching

Veranstalter Prof. Dr.-Ing Alois Knoll
Semester WS 2003/2004
Schein Für Studenten der Informatik an der TU München gibt es die Möglichkeit, die Lectures als Seminar zu besuchen und entsprechend anerkennen zu lassen.


Bei Interesse wenden Sie sich bitte an Dr. Marc de Kamps, tel: 18128, email:

Themen (Auszug)

WS 2003/2004 Prof. Dr.-Ing Alois Knoll Dr. Marc de Kamps


To broadcast a series of lectures on modern Artificial Intelligence given by one of the most renowned researchers and teachers in the field, to a number of universities around the globe. Bringing together several hundred students from different continents, the AI Lectures from Tokyo aim at establishing a global community in the field of modern Artificial Intelligence. State-of-the-art interactive video conferencing technology and a novel method of knowledge transfer allow for an interactive learning environment suited for communicating complex scientific material, taking today’s potential in global teaching to the next level.