Technische Universität München Robotics and Embedded Systems

Grundlagen der künstlichen Intelligenz WS2016/17

Lecturer Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Althoff
Teaching Assistants Aaron Pereira, Albert Rizaldi, Stefanie Manzinger, Silvia Magdici
Module IN2062
Type Lecture
Semester WS 2016/17
ECTS 5.0
Audience Obligatory in: Informatik Games Engineering; Robotics, Cognition, Intelligence; Automotive Software Engineering
Elective in: Informatik; Wirtschaftsinformatik; Physik; Technologie- u. Managementorientierte BWL
Time & Place Wed 14:15 - 15:45 Friedrich L. Bauer Hörsaal (MI HS 1)
Fri 12:45 - 13:30 Gustav-Niemann-Hörsaal (MW 0001)
Exercise Fri 13:30 - 14:15 Gustav-Niemann-Hörsaal (MW 0001)



The exam will be a 90 min written exam. You will not be able to take any written material into the exam, but a formula sheet will be provided. You should take a calculator and a pen (not a pencil).

Seating for the repetition exam is:


The course gives an overview of application areas and techniques in Artificial Intelligence. The course introduces the principles and techniques of Artificial Intelligence based on the textbook of Russell and Norvig (see below). The course covers the following topics:

