Research Assistant | |
Room | MI 03.07.039 |
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Address | Institut für Informatik VI Technische Universität München Boltzmannstraße 3 85748 Garching bei München Germany |
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Curriculum Vitæ
Since 2015 | Research Assistant at Technische Universität München, Germany |
2015 | Master of Science in Engineering Cybernetics from Universität Stuttgart, Germany |
2014 | Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from University of California, Los Angeles, USA, under a Fulbright Scholarship |
2012 | Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany |
Research Interests
Combining control and formal verification for cyber physical systems as a part of the EU project UnCoVerCPS. Possible application areas are human-robot interaction and self-driving cars.Open Thesis
If you are looking for a Bachelor or Master thesis (or seminars) in the areas of control and formal verification or you are interested in the above mentioned application fields, just contact me, and we can discuss possible topics.Publications
[1] | A. El-Guindy, K. Schaab, B. Schürmann, O. Stursberg, and M. Althoff. Formal LPV control for transient stability of power systems. In Proceedings of the IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, pages 1-5, 2017. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[2] | Bastian Schürmann and Matthias Althoff. Convex interpolation control with formal guarantees for disturbed and constrained nonlinear systems. In Proc. Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, pages 121-130, 2017. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[3] | Bastian Schürmann and Matthias Althoff. Optimal control of sets of solutions to formally guarantee constraints of disturbed linear systems. In Proc. of the American Control Conference, pages 2522-2529, 2017. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[4] | Bastian Schürmann and Matthias Althoff. Guaranteeing constraints of disturbed nonlinear systems using set-based optimal control in generator space. In Proc. of the 20th IFAC World Congress, pages 12020-12027, 2017. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[5] | Bastian Schürmann, Daniel Heß, Jan Eilbrecht, Olaf Stursberg, Frank Köster, and Matthias Althoff. Ensuring drivability of planned motions using formal methods. In Proc. of the Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, pages 1661-1668, 2017. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[6] | Davide Calzolari, Bastian Schürmann, and Matthias Althoff. Comparison of trajectory tracking controllers for autonomous vehicles. In Proc. of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, pages 1675-1682, 2017. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[7] | Bastian Schürmann, Ahmed El-Guindy, and Matthias Althoff. Closed-form expressions of convex combinations. In Proc. of the American Control Conference, pages 2795-2801, 2016. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[8] | Aaron D. Ames, Paulo Tabuada, Bastian Schürmann, Wen-Loong Ma, Shishir Kolathaya, Matthias Rungger, and Jessy W. Grizzle. First steps toward formal controller synthesis for bipedal robots. In Proc. of the International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC), pages 209-218, 2015. [ .bib ] |
[9] | Matthias A. Müller, Bastian Schürmann, and Frank Allgöwer. Robust cooperative control of dynamically decoupled systems via distributed MPC. In Proc. of the IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, pages 412-417, 2012. [ .bib ] |