What is the Topic Group about?
Robots are the result of integrating a wide range of technologies. With sophisticated software components and complete subsystems of ever-increasing functionality becoming more and more available as commodity products from other sectors (mobile devices, communications, automobile driver assistance systems), the success of robotics will crucially depend on the ability to manage the integration of these complex systems into powerful and cheap robots.
We identified the need for a systems engineering approach which goes well beyond the current state-of-the-art, including systematic processes, methods, and tools to create robotic systems for real-world applications.This topic group focuses on:
- Software design methodology and capabilities are the “make or break” in robotics
- We need "total lifetime (software) support" - from the initial product idea, to the end of production, throughout the run-/use-time of the produced systems… and beyond
- Openness and standardisation are needed for further spread of robotics technology and for creating a business ecosystem for robotics
This topic group provides input to the Multi-annual roadmap (mainly section 5.2, Systems Development) of the euRobotics aisbl, the private side of the SPARC public-private partnership in context of Horizon2020.
Topic Group Coordinators:
- Christian Schlegel, Hochschule Ulm, Germany, schlegel (at) hs-ulm.de
- Arne Nordmann, Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany, arne.nordmann (at) de.bosch.com (since 2017/06/08, Markus Rickert 2016/10/20 - 2017/06/08, Francesco Maurelli 2016/02/01 - 2017/01/31, Reinhard Lafrenz until 2016/01/31)
How to get involved?
Please drop an email to both coordinators, indicating your interest with some short notes on your related background, current role and affiliation. We are happy to add you to our mailing list and involve you into the MAR editing process via the upcoming WIKI.
Relevant links:
- euRobotics aisbl
- From Topic Groups to Recommendations to the Commission
- Multi-Annual Roadmap
- Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) for Robotics
- Technology Readiness Levels
- European Robotics Forum 2017

Membership list (in arbitrary order, publication of further names to be confirmed by the members)