Technische Universität München Robotics and Embedded Systems

Proseminar 'Gait assistive devices' WS 2015/16

Organizer Daniel Renjewski
Module IN0013
Type Proseminar
Semester WS 2015/16
Language English
Room 03.07.011
Time Tuesday, October 20th, 10:45-12:00
ECTS 4.0


office hours Daniel Renjewski, Tue & Thu 9-12 and by appointment (starting Oct. 27th),

Submission deadline for papers: 13.12.2015, 23:59 CET Presentations: 26.01.2016


Mobility is a key function in our life and its loss has a major impact. In this seminar we want to explore existing solutions to gait assistance - including robotic gait rehabilitation and exoskeletons for gait assistance and augmentation. The course aims at identifying current challenges in technical gait assistive devices and directions for future development.

Topic Assignment

Topic StudentSorted ascending
Control of mobility devices Abdallah Attawia
Challenges and state of the art Constantin Geiger
Orthoses and prostheses Josefine Gaßner
Gait simulation and simulators Matthias Lehner

Course Material / Resources


* Literature collection