Technische Universität München Robotics and Embedded Systems

Seminar on Autonomous Driving WS 2015/16

Organizer Hardik Shah
Module IN0014
Type Seminar
Semester WS 2015/16
Language English
Room Schleissheimerstr. 90A, Roboter Halle
Time From 16.10.2015, Fridays - 15:00 - 17:00, Thursdays - 13:00 - 15:00
ECTS 4.0



Autonomous cars are undisputed future of mobility. This course is offered to give the participants a hands-on in the field of autonomous cars. Students can apply their knowledge gained in computer science and programming (C/C++) to develop applications for their model autonomous cars. Typically, students are divided in teams, each with three students to develop the assigned application. At the end of the course, the application should be demonstrated and a well documented, structured application code should be submitted to the department.

Topic Assignment

Following topics are available at the moment. We will have 12 teams in total, hence, each topic will be performed by two different teams.

TopicSorted ascending Team
1 - Driver development for the WLAN module and mobile App for control and feedback ?
2 - Vehicle management and control ?
3 - Autonomous parking ?
4 - Lane detection and following ?
5 - Cool demonstrators ?
6 - TBA ?


Fridays, 15:00 - 17:00 TBA: second schedule


Install Quartus II web edition (12.1 sp1) before the first meeting. You may need to install usb blaster driver. Use a bit of Google smile


-- Main.shah- 28 Sept 2015