Biao Hu, Kai Huang, Gang Chen, Long Cheng, and Alois Knoll.
Online workload monitoring with the feedback of actual execution time
for real-time systems.
In in Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), March 2017.
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Biao Hu, Kai Huang, Pengcheng Huang, Lothar Thiele, and Alois Knoll.
On-the-fly fast overrun budgeting for mixed-criticality systems.
In International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT),
October 2016.
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Kai Huang, Biao Hu, Jan Botsch, Nikhil Madduri, and Alois Knoll.
A scalable lane detection algorithm on cotss with opencl.
In In Design, Automation and Test in Europe, March 2016.
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Long Cheng, Kai Huang, Gang Chen, Biao Hu, and Alois Knoll.
Minimizing peak temperature for pipelined hard real-time systems.
In In Design, Automation and Test in Europe, 2016.
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Biao Hu, Kai Huang, Gang Chen, Long Cheng, and Alois Knoll.
Adaptive runtime shaping for mixed-criticality systems.
In International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT),
October 2015.
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Gang Chen, Kai Huang, Christian Buckl, and Alois Knoll.
Applying pay-burst-only-once principle for periodic power management
in hard real-time pipelined multiprocessor systems.
ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems
(TODAES), February 2015.
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Biao Hu, Kai Huang, Gang Chen, and Alois Knoll.
Evaluation of runtime monitoring methods for real-time event streams.
In Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), 2015 20th Asia and
South Pacific, Jan 2015.
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Gang Chen, Biao Hu, Kai Huang, Alois Knoll, Di Liu, and Todor Stefanov.
Automatic cache partitioning and time-triggered scheduling for
real-time mpsocs.
In 2014 International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and
FPGAs (ReConFig 2014), December 2014.
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Hardik Shah, Kai Huang, and Alois Knoll.
Timing anomalies in multi-core architectures due to the interference
on the shared resources.
In Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), 2014 19th Asia and
South Pacific, pages 708-713, Jan 2014.
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Gang Chen, Kai Huang, and Alois Knoll.
Energy optimization for real-time multiprocessor system-on-chip with
optimal dvfs and dpm combination.
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), 2014.
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Hardik Shah, Andrew Coombes, Andreas Raabe, Kai Huang, and Alois Knoll.
Measurement based wcet analysis for multi-core architectures.
In RTNS 2014, Versailles, France, 2014.
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Hardik Shah, Kai Huang, and Alois Knoll.
The priority division arbiter for low wcet and high resource
utilization in multi-core architectures.
In RTNS 2014, Versailles, France, 2014.
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Jia Huang, Andreas Raabe, Kai Huang, Christian Buckl, and Alois Knoll.
A framework for reliability-aware design exploration for mpsoc based
Design Automation for Embedded Systems (DAEM), December 2013.
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Sebastian Klose, Philipp Heise, and Alois Knoll.
Efficient Compositional Approaches for Real-Time Robust Direct
Visual Odometry from RGB-D Data.
In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and
Systems (IROS), November 2013.
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Gang Chen, Kai Huang, and Alois Knoll.
Extended abstract: Energy optimization for real-time multiprocessor
system-on-chip with optimal dvfs and dpm combination.
In 11th IEEE Symposium on Embedded Systems for Real-time
Multimedia (ESTIMedia), October 2013.
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Hauke Staehle, Kai Huang, and Alois Knoll.
Drive-by-wireless with the ecar demonstrator.
Technical Report TUM-I1342, October 2013.
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Kai Huang, Hardik Shah, Karan Savant, Dexin Chen, Gang Chen, Sebastian Klose,
and Alois Knoll.
A lego/fpga-based platform for the education of
cyber-physical/embedded systems.
In Workshop on Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems Education
(WESE), October 2013.
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Gang Chen, Kai Huang, Jia Huang, Buckl Christian, and Alois Knoll.
Effective online power management with adaptive interplay of dvs and
dpm for embedded real-time system.
In 16th Euromicro International Conference on Digital System
Design (DSD), September 2013.
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Gang Chen, Kai Huang, Jia Huang, and Alois Knoll.
Cache partitioning and scheduling for energy optimization of
real-time mpsocs.
In 24th IEEE International Conference on Application-specific
Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP), June 2013.
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Gang Chen, Kai Huang, Christian Buckl, and Alois Knoll.
Energy optimization with worst-case deadline guarantee for pipelined
multiprocessor systems.
In Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), March 2013.
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Hardik Shah, Andreas Raabe, and Alois Knoll.
Challenges of WCET analysis in COTS multi-core due to different
levels of abstraction.
In hiRES 2013, Berlin, 2013.
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Hardik Shah, Alois Knoll, and Benny Akesson.
Bounding resource interference: Detailed analysis vs. latency-rate
In Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), Grenoble,
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Hardik Shah, Kai Huang, and Alois Knoll.
Weighted execution time analysis of applications on cots multi-core
Technical Report TUM-I1339, 2013.
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D. Lütkemeyer, I. Poggendorf, T. Scherer, J. Zhang, A. Knoll, and
J. Lehmann.
Robot automation of sampling and sample management in pilot scale.
In 11th International Biotechnology Symposium, Berlin, Germany,
September 2000.
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