Veranstalter | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alois Knoll |
Team | Florian Röhrbein Alexander Perzylo Nikhil Somani Ahmed Ghazi Hendrik Walzel Rafael Hostettler Daniel Clarke |
Modul | |
Typ | Vorlesung |
Semester | SS 2014 |
ECTS | 5.0 |
SWS | 3V+1Ü |
Hörerkreis | Pflichtvorlesung für Robotics, Cognition, Intelligence |
Zeit & Ort | Blockveranstaltung vom 18.-22.8.2014, Hörsaal 1 |
Schein | erfolgreiche Teilnahme an Klausur |
- cogsys_howto_v4.txt: A short copy and paste HowTo on setting up ROS and CogSys packages
- camera.bag: ROS bag file containing the camera package's output for session 3
- 20140820-cogsys-reconfiguration.pdf: Presentation slides for session 3 - Reconfiguration of catkin workspace
- 20140820_cogsys_session3.pdf: Exercise description for session 3
- camera_two_balls.bag: ROS bag file containing the camera package's output for session 4
- 20140822_cogsys_session4.pdf: Exercise description for session 4