ahmed.elguindy(at), ahmed.guindy(at) | |
Room | MI 03.07.061 |
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Fax | + |
Address | Institut für Informatik VI Technische Universität München Boltzmannstraße 3 85748 Garching bei München Germany |
Homepage | |

Curriculum Vitæ
02/2015 - 12/2017 | PhD (Dr.-Ing.) in electrical engineering at Technische Universität München, Munich - Germany |
02/2015 - 08/2017 | Research Assistant at the chair of robotics and embedded systems, Munich - Germany |
07/2016 - 10/2016 | Visiting Researcher at University of British Columbia, Vancouver - Canada |
02/2014 - 01/2015 | Project Engineer / Power Plant Automation at SWM Services GmbH, Munich - Germany |
04/2012 - 12/2013 | M.Sc. in Information and Automation Engineering at Universität Bremen, Bremen - Germany |
09/2006 - 06/2011 | B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering at Ain Shams University, Cairo - Egypt |
- Summer Semester 2017:
- Teaching Assistant Cyber-Physical Systems
- Summer Semester 2016:
- Teaching Assistant Cyber-Physical Systems
Research Interests
My research focuses on the development of the theory and practice of reachability analysis for continuous systems using the COntinuous Reachability Analyzer (CORA), with a particular emphasis on problems arising in future power systems, commonly known as Smart-Grid systems. You can check the progress of the PhD project on ROCS-Grid. Contact me if you are looking for a B.Sc./M.Sc. thesis (or seminars). We can discuss possible topics in the areas of control systems, smart grids, and power systems.Publications
[1] | A. El-Guindy, Y. C. Chen, and M. Althoff. Compositional transient stability analysis of power systems via the computation of reachable sets. In Proceedings of the IEEE American Control Conference, pages 2536-2543, 2017. [ DOI | .bib | .pdf ] |
[2] | A. El-Guindy, D. Han, and M. Althoff. Estimating the region of attraction via forward reachable sets. In Proceedings of the IEEE American Control Conference, pages 1263-1270, 2017. [ DOI | .bib | .pdf ] |
[3] | A. El-Guindy, K. Schaab, B. Schürmann, O. Stursberg, and M. Althoff. Formal LPV control for transient stability of power systems. In Proceedings of the IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, pages 1-5, 2017. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[4] | A. El-Guindy. Control and Stability of Power Systems using Reachability Analysis. Dissertation, Technische Universität München, 2017. [ .bib ] |
[5] | D. Han, A. El-Guindy, and M. Althoff. Power systems transient stability analysis via optimal rational Lyapunov functions. In Proceedings of the IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2016. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[6] | A. El-Guindy, D. Han, and M. Althoff. Formal analysis of drum-boiler units to maximize the load-following capabilities of power plants. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 31(6):4691-4702, 2016. [ DOI | .bib | .pdf ] |
[7] | Bastian Schürmann, Ahmed El-Guindy, and Matthias Althoff. Closed-form expressions of convex combinations. In Proc. of the American Control Conference, pages 2795-2801, 2016. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[8] | D. Han, A. Rizaldi, A. El-Guindy, and M. Althoff. On enlarging backward reachable sets via zonotopic set membership. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, 2016. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[9] | D. Han, A. El-Guindy, and M. Althoff. Estimating the domain of attraction based on the invariance principle. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2016. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[10] | A. El-Guindy, F. Nickel, and K. Michels. Centralized multivariable feedback control of steam drums in combined cycle power plants. VGB PowerTech, 95(4):73-78, 2015. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[11] | A. El-Guindy, S. Rünzi, and K. Michels. Optimizing drum-boiler water level control performance : A practical approach. In Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Conference on Control Applications, pages 1675-1680, 2014. [ DOI | .bib | .pdf ] |
[12] | A. El-Guindy, F.Nickel, S. Rünzi, J. Niedermeier, and K. Michels. Optimierung der Füllstandsregelung der ND-Trommel einer GuD-Anlage. In 46. Kraftwerkstechnischen Kolloquiums, 2014. [ .bib ] |
[13] | A. El-Guindy. Drum-boiler Control Performance Optimization using an Observer-based State-Feedback Controller within MATLAB/Simulink Environment. Dissertation, Universität Bremen, 2013. [ .bib ] |