Oliver Weede, Frank Dittrich, Brian Jensen, Alois Knoll, Dirk Wilhelm, Michael
Kranzfelder, Hubertus Feussner, Armin Schneider, and Heinz Wörn.
Workflow analysis and surgical phase recognition in minimally
invasive surgery.
In Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 2012 IEEE International
Conference on. IEEE, December 2012.
[ DOI |
.bib |
.pdf ]
Ljubo Mercep, Gernot Spiegelberg, and Alois Knoll.
Spielbasiertes Verfahren zur Fahrerzustandserkennung aus der
In 6. VDI/VDE Fachtagung USEWARE 2012 -
Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion, pages 3-8, Deutsches Forschungszentrum für
Künstliche Intelligenz DFKI Kaiserslautern, December 2012.
[ .bib ]
Nicole Sprunk, Manpreet Kaur, Robert Bauernschmitt, Alejandro Mendoza Garcia,
and Alois Knoll.
System design for simultaneous data acquisition from patient monitor
and syringe pumps in intensive care unit.
In Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES), 2012 IEEE EMBS
Conference on, pages 878-882, December 2012.
[ DOI |
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Jian-Jia Chen, Kai Huang, and Lothar Thiele.
Dynamic frequency scaling schemes for heterogeneous clusters under
quality of service requirements.
Journal of Information Science and Engineering,
28(6):1073-1090, November 2012.
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N. Fligge, H. Urbanek, and P. Van der Smagt.
Relation between object properties and emg during reaching to grasp.
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, pages 1050-6411,
November 2012.
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Marius Kloetzer; Silvia Magdici and Adrian Burlacu.
Experimental platform and matlab toolbox for planning mobile robots.
In Proc. of the 16th IEEE International Conference on System
Theory, Control and Computing, pages 1-6, October 12-14 2012.
[ .bib |
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Andre Gaschler, Sören Jentzsch, Manuel Giuliani, Kerstin Huth, Jan
de Ruiter, and Alois Knoll.
Social Behavior Recognition using body posture and head pose for
Human-Robot Interaction.
In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and
Systems (IROS), October 2012.
[ DOI |
.bib |
.pdf ]
Susanne Petsch and Darius Burschka.
Path configuration for abstractly represented tasks with respect to
efficient control.
In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and
Systems: Workshop Beyond Grasping - Modern Approaches for Dynamic
Manipulation, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, October 2012.
[ .bib |
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Alexander Perzylo, Björn Schießle, Kai Häussermann, Oliver
Zweigle, Paul Levi, and Alois Knoll.
Server-sided automatic map transformation in RoboEarth.
In Autonomous Mobile Systems (AMS), pages 203-216, Stuttgart,
Germany, September 2012.
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Bernhard Thiele, Stefan-Alexander Schneider, and Pierre R. Mai.
A Modelica Sub-and Superset for Safety-Relevant Control
In Martin Otter and Dirk Zimmer, editors, 9th Int.
Modelica Conference, Munich, Germany, September 2012.
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Martin Otter, Bernhard Thiele, and Hilding Elmqvist.
A Library for Synchronous Control Systems in Modelica.
In Martin Otter and Dirk Zimmer, editors, 9th Int.
Modelica Conference, Munich, Germany, September 2012.
[ DOI |
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Teodor Tomic, Korbinian Schmid, Philipp Lutz, Andreas Dömel, Michael
Kassecker, Elmar Mair, Iris L. Grixa, Felix Ruess, Michael Suppa, and Darius
Toward a Fully Autonomous UAV: Research Platform for Indoor and
Outdoor Urban Search and Rescue.
19(3), September 2012.
[ .bib |
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Lili Chen, Giorgio Panin, and Alois Knoll.
Human body orientation estimation in multiview scenarios.
In Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Visual
Computing(ISVC'12), LNCS, Crete, Greece, July 2012. Springer-Verlag.
[ DOI |
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Stefan Profanter.
Segmentation and semantic interpretation of object models.
Bachelor's thesis, Technische Universität München, July 2012.
[ .bib |
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Kai Huang, Gang Chen, Christian Buckl, and Alois Knoll.
Conforming the runtime inputs for hard real-time embedded systems.
In Proceedings of the 49th Design Automation Conference (DAC),
pages 430-436, June 2012.
[ DOI |
.bib |
.pdf ]
Jia Huang, Kai Huang, Andreas Raabe, Christian Buckl, and Alois Knoll.
Towards fault-tolerant embedded systems with imperfect fault
In 49th Design Automation Conference (DAC), pages 188-196, San
Francisco, CA, USA, June 2012.
[ DOI |
.bib |
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Aurel Vasile Martiniuc and Alois Knoll.
Interspike interval based filtering of directional selective retinal
ganglion cells spike trains in rabbit retina.
Journal of Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, June
[ DOI |
.bib |
.pdf ]
Vladimir Rupanov, Christian Buckl, Ludger Fiege, Michael Armbruster, Alois
Knoll, and Gernot Spiegelberg.
Early safety evaluation of design decisions in e/e architecture
according to iso 26262.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on
ArchitectingCritical Systems, June 2012.
[ DOI |
.bib |
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Nicole Sprunk, Alejandro Mendoza Garcia, and Alois Knoll.
Learning a fuzzy system from training data using the muensteraner
optimisation system.
In FUZZ-IEEE 2012, IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy
Systems, Brisbane, Australia, June 10-15, 2012, Proceedings, pages 1-7,
June 2012.
[ DOI |
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Feihu Zhang, Guang Chen, Hauke Staehle, Christian Buckl, and Alois Knoll.
Visual odometry based on random finite set statistics in urban
In Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 2012 IEEE, June 2012.
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M. Pak and M. Ali Nasseri.
Load-velocity characteristics of a stick-slip piezo actuator.
In Proceedings der Actuator 2012. International Conference on
New Actuators (ACTUATOR-12). Actuator'12, June 2012.
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Daniel DiMarco, Andreas Koch, Oliver Zweigle, Kai Häussermann,
Björn Schießle, Paul Levi, Dorian Gálvez-López, Luis
Riazuelo, Javier Civera, J. M. M. Montiel, Moritz Tenorth, Alexander Perzylo,
Markus Waibel, and René van de Molengraft.
Creating and using RoboEarth object models.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics
and Automation (ICRA), pages 3549-3550, St. Paul, MN, USA, May 2012.
(Video submission).
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Moritz Tenorth, Alexander Perzylo, Reinhard Lafrenz, and Michael Beetz.
The RoboEarth language: Representing and exchanging knowledge
about actions, objects and environments.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics
and Automation (ICRA), pages 1284-1289, St. Paul, MN, USA, May 2012.
(Best Cognitive Robotics Paper Award).
[ DOI |
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Kai Huang, Gang Chen, Nadine Keddis, Michael Geisinger, and Christian Buckl.
Demo abstract: An inverted pendulum demonstrator for timed
model-based design of embedded systems.
In 2012 IEEE/ACM Third International Conference on
Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS), page 224, April 2012.
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Chavdar Papazov, Sami Haddadin, Sven Parusel, Kai Krieger, and Darius Burschka.
Rigid 3D Geometry Matching for Grasping of Known Objects in
Cluttered Scenes.
International Journal of Robotics Research, 31, April 2012.
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Alexey Minin, Alois Knoll, and Hans-Georg Zimmermann.
Complex valued artificial recurrent neural network as a novel
approach to model the perceptual binding problem.
In European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN
2012), April 2012.
[ .bib |
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Christian Buckl, Alexander Camek, Gerd Kainz, Carsten Simon, Ljubo Mercep,
Hauke Stähle, and Alois Knoll.
The software car: Building ict architectures for future electric
In Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Electric Vehicle
Conference, March 2012.
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Alexander Camek, Christian Buckl, Pedro S. Correia, and AloisKnoll.
An automotive side-view system based on ethernet and ip.
In 26th International Conference on Advanced Information
Networkingand Applications Workshops (WAINA), pages 238-243, March 2012.
[ DOI |
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Samarjit Chakraborty, Martin Lukasiewycz, Christian Buckl, Suhaib Fahmy,
Naehyuck Chang, Sangyoung Park, Younghyun Kim, Patrick Leteinturier, and Hans
Embedded systems and software challenges in electric vehicles.
In In Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), March 2012.
[ DOI |
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Andre Gaschler, Kerstin Huth, Manuel Giuliani, Ingmar Kessler, Jan de Ruiter,
and Alois Knoll.
Modelling state of interaction from head poses for social
Human-Robot Interaction.
In Proceedings of the Gaze in Human-Robot Interaction
Workshop held at the 7th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot
Interaction (HRI 2012), Boston, MA, March 2012.
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Jia Huang, Jan Olaf Blech, Andreas Raabe, and Christian Buckland Alois Knoll.
Static scheduling of a time-triggered network-on-chip based on smt
In Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), Dresden,
Germany, March 2012.
[ .bib |
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Hardik Shah, Andreas Raabe, and Alois Knoll.
Bounding WCET of applications using SDRAM with priority based
budget scheduling in MPSoCs.
In Design, Automation Test in Europe Conference Exhibition
(DATE), 2012, pages 665-670, March 2012.
[ DOI |
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Jakob Stoeck, Ljubo Mercep, Gernot Spiegelberg, and Alois Knoll.
Platform-independent interface for the management of sensor-generated
power and data flows in an automotive data-centric architecture.
In 6. VDI/VDE Fachtagung USEWARE 2012 -
Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion, pages 33-36, Deutsches Forschungszentrum
für Künstliche Intelligenz DFKI Kaiserslautern, February 2012.
[ .bib ]
Ljubo Mercep, Gernot Spiegelberg, and Alois Knoll.
Die App für das Management des Ladevorgangs im Innotruck.
In 6. VDI/VDE Fachtagung USEWARE 2012 -
Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion, pages 45-49, Deutsches Forschungszentrum
für Künstliche Intelligenz DFKI Kaiserslautern, February 2012.
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B. Baumgartner, K. Rödel, and A. Knoll.
A data mining approach to reduce the false alarm rate of patient
In International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine
and Biology Society, 2012.
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B. Baumgartner, K. Rödel, U. Schreiber, and A. Knoll.
A web-based survey for expert review of monitor alarms.
In Computing in Cardiology, pages 209-212, 2012.
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Justin Bayer, Christian Osendorfer, and Patrick van der Smagt.
Learning sequence neigbourhood metrics.
In International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks,
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Christian Buckl, Dominik Sojer, and Stephan Sommer.
Interoperabilitäts- und Quality-of-Service Plattformdienste am
Beispiel der Domäne Fahrzeug.
In Eva Geisberger and Manfred Broy and et al, editor, Agenda
CPS - Integrierte Forschungsagenda Cyber-Physical Systems. Springer, 2012.
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Korbinian Schmid, Felix Ruess, Michael Suppa, and Darius Burschka.
State estimation for highly dynamic flying systems using key frame
odometry with varying time delays.
In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and
Systems, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, 2012.
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Marcus Augustine, Elmar Mair, Annett Stelzer, Frank Ortmeier, Michael Suppa,
and Darius Burschka.
Landmark-Tree Map: a Biologically Inspired Topological Map for
Long-Distance Robot Navigation.
In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Biomimetics ROBIO 2012, 2012.
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S. Can.
A Highly Versatile Single-Port System for Minimally Invasive
Dissertation, Technical University Munich, 2012.
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S. Can, C. Staub, A. Knoll, A. Fiolka, A. Schneider, and H. Feussner.
Design, development and evaluation of a highly versatile robot
platform for minimally invasive single-port surgery.
In Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob), 2012 4th
IEEE RAS EMBS International Conference on, pages 817-822, 2012.
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S. Can, B. Jensen, E. Dean-Leon, C. Staub, A. Knoll, A. Fiolka, A. Schneider,
A. Meining, and H. Feussner.
Kinematics, control and workspace analysis of a bowden wire actuated
manipulator for minimally invasive single-port surgery.
In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics
(ROBIO). IEEE, 2012.
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Chih-Hong Cheng, Michael Geisinger, Harald Ruess, Christian Buckl, and Alois
Game solving for industrial automation and control.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics
and Automation (ICRA'12), 2012.
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Chih-Hong Cheng, Michael Geisinger, Harald Ruess, Christian Buckl, and Alois
MGSyn: Automatic synthesis for industrial automation.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Aided
Verification (CAV) 2012, 2012.
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Lili Chen, Giorgio Panin, and Alois Knoll.
Hierarchical grid-based people tracking with multi-camera setup.
In Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics: Theory and
Applications., volume 0274 of Communications in Computer and
Information Science, pages 187-202. Springer-Verlag, 2012.
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Francesca Cordella, Francesco Di Corato, Loredana Zollo, Bruno Siciliano, and
Patrick van der Smagt.
Patient performace evaluation using kinect and monte carlo-based
finger tracking.
In IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and
Biomechatronics, 2012.
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E.C. Dean-León, S. Nair, and A. Knoll.
User friendly matlab-toolbox for symbolic robot dynamic modeling used
for control design.
In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics
ROBIO-2012, 2012.
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Martin Eder, Maximilian Karl, Alois Knoll, and Stefan Riesner.
Compliant worm-like robotic mechanism with decentrally controlled
pneumatic artificial muscles.
In Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE First International Conference
on Innovative Engineering Systems, pages 263-268. IEEE Press, 2012.
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Nadine Fligge, Joe McIntyre, and Patrick van der Smagt.
Minimum jerk for human catching movements in 3d.
In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics
and Biomechatronics, 2012.
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Mary Ellen Foster, Andre Gaschler, Manuel Giuliani, Amy Isard, Maria Pateraki,
and Ronald P. A. Petrick.
Two people walk into a bar: Dynamic multi-party social interaction
with a robot agent.
In Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on
Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2012), 2012.
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Dominikus Gierlach, Agneta Gustus, and Patrick van der Smagt.
Generating marker stars for 6d optical tracking.
In IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and
Biomechatronics, 2012.
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Manuel Giuliani and Jan de Ruiter.
Combining classical and embodied multimodal fusion for human-robot
In Proceedings of the Embodied and Situated Language Processing
2012 (ESLP 2012), Newcastle Upon Tyne, England, 2012.
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André Dias, Lukas Gorzelniak, Rudolf Jörres, Rainald Fischer, Gunnar
Hartvigsen, and Alexander Horsch.
Assessing physical activity in the daily life of cystic fibrosis
Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 8(6):837-844, 2012.
Special Issue on Pervasive Healthcare.
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Stein Olav Skrovseth, André Dias, Lukas Gorzelniak, Fred Godtliebsen, and
Alexander Horsch.
Scale-space methods for live processing of sensor data.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 180:138-142,
PMID: 22874168.
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Lukas Gorzelniak, André Dias, Konrad Schultz, Michael Wittmann, Stefan
Karrasch, Rudolf A. Jörres, and Alexander Horsch.
Comparison of recording positions of physical activity in patients
with severe COPD undergoing LTOT.
COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease,
9(5):528-537, 2012.
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A. Hattendorf, A. Raabe, and A. Knoll.
Shared memory protection for spatial separation in multicore
In 2012 7th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial
Embedded Systems (SIES), pages 299-302, 2012.
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Leigh R. Hochberg, Daniel Bacher, Beata Jarosiewicz, Nicolas Y. Masse, John D.
Simeral, Joern Vogel, Sami Haddadin, Jie Liu, Sydney S. Cash, Patrick van der
Smagt, and John P. Donoghue.
Reach and grasp by people with tetraplegia using a neurally
controlled robotic arm.
Nature, 485:372-377, 2012.
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Michael Jäntsch, Steffen Wittmeier, Konstantinos Dalamagkidis, and Alois
Computed Muscle Control for an Anthropomimetic Elbow Joint.
In Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots
and Systems IROS 2012, pages 2192-2197, 2012.
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Gerd Kainz, Christian Buckl, and Alois Knoll.
A generic approach simplifying model-to-model transformation chains.
In Jon Whittle, Tony Clark, and Thomas Kühne, editors, Model
Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2012), volume 7590 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2012.
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Alois Knoll and Ramjee Prasad.
Wireless robotics: A highly promising case for standardization, 2012.
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Aurel Vasile Martiniuc, Dirk Saalfrank, Francesco Difato, Francesca Succol,
Marina Nanni, Alois Knoll, Sven Ingebrandt, John Assad, and Axel Blau.
Tracking the evolution of neural network activity in uninterrupted
long-term mea recordings.
In 8th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Micro
Electrode Arrays. Springer, 2012.
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Alois Knoll, Hermann Mayer, Christoph Staub, and Robert Bauernschmitt.
Selective automation and skill transfer in medical robotics: a
demonstrationon surgical knot tying.
The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer
Assisted Surgery, 8:384-397, 2012.
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Michael Kranzfelder, Christoph Staub, Adam Fiolka, Armin Schneider, Sonja
Gillen, Dirk Wilhelm, Helmut Friess, Alois Knoll, and Hubertus Feussner.
Toward increased autonomy in the surgical or: needs, requests,
Surgical Endoscopy, pages 1-8, 2012.
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Aleksandra Kupferberg, Markus Huber, Bartosz Helfer, Claus Lenz, Alois Knoll,
and Stefan Glasauer.
Moving just like you: Motor interference depends on similar motility
of agent and observer.
PLoS ONE, 7(6):39637, 2012.
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Claus Lenz, Markus Grimm, Thorsten Röder, and Alois Knoll.
Fusing multiple kinects to survey shared human-robot-workspaces.
Technical Report TUM-I1214, Technische Universität München,
Munich, Germany, 2012.
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A. Mendoza, N. Sprunk, B. Baumgartner, A. Knoll, U. Schreiber, S. Eichhorn,
M. Krane, and R. Lange.
Application of adaptive fuzzy controllers for the automation of
medical devices.
In Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 2012 IEEE International Conference
on, pages 1-5, june 2012.
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A. Minin, A. Knoll, and H.-G. Zimmermann.
A novel approach to solving the binding problem using complex valued
spiking neural networks.
In ESANN2012, 2012.
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A. Minin, Yu. Chistyakov, E. Kholodova, H.-G. Zimmermann, and A. Knoll.
Complex valued open recurrent neural network for power transformer
International Journal Of Applied Mathematics And Informatics,
6:41-48, 2012.
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Loren Schwarz, Artashes Mkhitaryan, Diana Mateus, and Nassir Navab.
Human skeleton tracking from depth data using geodesic distances and
optical flow.
In Image and Vision Computing, 2012.
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Mkhitaryan Artashes and Darius Burschka.
Vision based haptic multisensor for manipulation of soft, fragile
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Suraj Nair, Emmanuel Dean-Leon, and Alois Knoll.
Real-time 3D multiple human tracking with robustness enhancement
through machine learning.
In International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and
Applications, 2012.
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M. Ali Nasseri, Emmanuel Dean-Leon, Suraj Nair, Martin Eder, Mathias Maier,
C. P. Lohmann, and Alois Knoll.
Clinical motion tracking and motion analysis during ophthalmic
surgery using electromagnetic tracking system.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on BioMedical
Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2012), pages 1006-1010. IEEE Press, 2012.
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Thomas Rückstieß, Christian Osendorfer, and Patrick van der Smagt.
Minimizing data consumption in sequential classification.
International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics,
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Jakob Engel, Markus Holzer, Oliver Ruepp, and Frank Sehnke.
On computer integrated rationalized crossword puzzle manufacturing.
In Evangelos Kranakis, Danny Krizanc, and Flaminia Luccio, editors,
Fun with Algorithms, volume 7288 of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, pages 131-141. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
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Hardik Shah, Andreas Raabe, and Alois Knoll.
Dynamic priority queue: An SDRAM arbiter with bounded access
latencies for tight WCET calculation.
CoRR, 1207-1187, 2012.
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Andreas Raabe, Hardik Shah, and Anton Hattendorf.
Mehrkernsysteme für safety-kritische Echtzeitsysteme.
In Embedded Software Engineering Kongress, 2012.
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Dominik Sojer, Christian Buckl, and Alois Knoll.
Deriving fault-detection mechanisms from safety requirements.
Springer Computer Science - Research and Development, 2012.
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C. Staub, S. Can, B. Jensen, A. Knoll, and S. Kohlbecher.
Human-computer interfaces for interaction with surgical tools in
robotic surgery.
In Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob), 2012 4th
IEEE RAS EMBS International Conference on, pages 81-86, june 2012.
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A. Gustus, G. Stillfried, J. Visser, H. Jorntell, and P. Van der Smagt.
Human hand modelling: kinematics, dynamics, applications.
Biological Cybernetics, 106:741-755, 2012.
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Nikolaos Vourdas, Konstantinos Dalamagkidis, Ioannis Kostis, Maria
Vasilopoulou, and Dimitris Davazoglou.
Omnidirectional antireflective properties of porous tungsten oxide
films with in-depth variation of void fraction and stoichiometry.
Optics Communications, 285(24):5229-5234, 2012.
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C. Staub, C. Lenz, B. Jensen, S. Can, A. Knoll, and R. Bauernschmitt.
Micro camera augmented endoscopic instruments: Towards superhuman
performance in remote surgical cutting.
In Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2012 IEEE/RSJ
International Conference on, pages 2000-2006, oct. 2012.
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S. Wittmeier, A. Gaschler, M. Jantsch, K. Dalamagkidis, and A. Knoll.
Calibration of a physics-based model of an anthropomimetic robot
using evolution strategies.
In Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2012 IEEE/RSJ
InternationalConference on, pages 445-450, Oct 2012.
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Steffen Wittmeier, Cristiano Alessandro, Nenad Bascarevic, Konstantinos
Dalamagkidis, David Devereux, Alan Diamond, Michael Jäntsch, Kosta
Jovanovic, Rob Knight, Hugo Gravato Marques, Predrag Milosavljevic, Bhargav
Mitra, Bratislav Svetozarevic, Veljko Potkonjak, Rolf Pfeifer, Alois Knoll,
and Owen Holland.
Toward anthropomimetic robotics: development, simulation, and control
of a musculoskeletal torso.
Artificial life, 19(1):171-193, 2012.
PMID: 23186343.
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Feihu Zhang, Hauke Staehle, Andre Gaschler, Christian Buckl, and Alois Knoll.
Single camera visual odometry based on random finite set statistics.
In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and
Systems (IROS), 2012.
[ .bib |
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Feihu Zhang, Hauke Staehle, Guang Chen, Chao Chen, Carsten Simon, Christian
Buckl, Alois Knoll, and Gerhard Schrott.
A sensor fusion approach for localization with cumulative error
In Proceedings of 2012 IEEE International Conference on
Multisensor Fusion and Information Integration (MFI 2012), 2012.
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Xuelian Zang, Drazon Brščić, Wei Wang, and Kolja Kühnlenz.
Temporal attention control system for multiple objects tracking.
In the 31st Chinese Control Conference (CCC), Hefei, China,
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Bastian Bischoff, Duy Nguyen-Tuong, Felix Streichert, Marlon Ewert, and Alois
Fusing vision and odometry for accurate indoor robot localization.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Control,
Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV 2012), pages 347-352, 2012.
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M. Althoff and B. H. Krogh.
Avoiding geometric intersection operations in reachability analysis
of hybrid systems.
In Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, pages 45-54, 2012.
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M. Althoff and J. M. Dolan.
Reachability computation of low-order models for the safety
verification of high-order road vehicle models.
In Proc. of the American Control Conference, pages 3559-3566,
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M. Althoff, M. Cvetković, and M. Ilić.
Transient stability analysis by reachable set computation.
In Proc. of the IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid
Technologies Europe, 2012.
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D. Han and G. Chesi.
Robust discrete-time consensus of multi-agent systems with uncertain
In 2012 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications,
pages 1136-1141, 2012.
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Heiko Aydt, Michael Lees, and Alois Knoll.
Symbiotic simulation for future electro-mobility transportation
In Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference 1 - 12,
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David Ciechanowicz, Martin Leucker, and Martin Sachenbacher.
Ökonomische Bewertung von Vehicle-to-Grid in Deutschland.
In Dirk Christian Mattfeld and Susanne Robra-Bissantz, editors,
Proceedings of the Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) 2012. GITO,
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Yadong Xu, Heiko Aydt, and Michael Lees.
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